Three Lions Psychology and Consulting offers high quality psychology supervision and training. Marcus Probert is a Board-approved AHPRA psychology supervisor, with over 16 years of experience in mental health positions at private organisations and in private practice, who can provide supervision to meet a range of needs.
Supervision provided by Marcus
Marcus offers supervision for:
- Ongoing professional development and peer supervision requirements
- Registration as a psychologist
- 5+1 internship principal and secondary supervisor
- Higher degree placement supervisor
Marcus aims to create a safe, reflective and encouraging space for supervisees to explore their own therapeutic style and professional identity, identify strengths and weaknesses, and work towards specific professional goals.
Marcus encourages supervision to provide debriefing opportunities to manage the stress and complexity of the profession and to address any transference or counter transference and offer skill building.
Marcus also encourages supervisees to celebrate the highlights and rewarding development they see within themselves or their clients.
Service Time Fee Supervision: Full Registration 1 hour $176 Supervision: Provisional Registration
(no fee for associated AHPRA reporting)1 hour $176 * Prices include GST
Supervision provided by Allison
Allison has worked in mental health, disability, and community service fields. For over 15 years Allison has provided supervision to a range of allied health professionals; such as social workers, occupational therapists, psychologists and counsellors/ community workers.
Allison has completed the Advanced Supervision for Mental Health Sector training with the Australian Association of Social Workers. Allison is both a mentor for graduates developing their skills and professional identity, and supervisor for experienced professionals.
Allison aims to provide a safe and supportive experience for supervisees, whilst using reflective practice, theory and evidence-based interventions. Areas covered in supervision can include: client-practitioner relationships and reflection, career development, interpersonal difficulties, professional and personal stressors, and professional self-care.
Allison offers supervision for:
- Social Workers
- Social Workers seeking accreditation as accredited Mental Health Social Workers
- Other allied health professionals
- New graduates
- Higher education students on placement
Allison invites interested health professionals to contact her to discuss supervision options.
Service Time Fee Supervision: 1 hour $176 * Prices include GST
Get in touch to discuss suitability and availability.